
Regent Square

Improving Restaurant Layout

Improving Restaurant Layout

Client Needs

The client was looking to do a few things. First was to improve the layout of the indoor dining area so it was a little more practical for customers and take out. Second was to extend the length of the bar, which encourages help to come have a drink and increases revenue. Third was to make the patio dining area more weather-proof during cold and rainy days.


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The original layout of the dining room was two bench seats that run along both walls of the restaurant with no designated bar. The layout changed to four booths and a bar running the majority of the right side of the restaurant. All of the booths were painted to be more cohesive with the rest of the restaurant's color scheme. Since that time, more customers have been coming in and utilizing the bar. In addition, the patio's roof was redone and sealed. Plus new sliding windows and removable doors were installed to seal in the patio from the Pittsburgh cold and rainy days. Now, customers are able to sit out on the patio more days out of the year.

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